Destiny Wizards RPG Wiki


Students under detention will be listed here.

Homework Information

1st Year: Give and explain the 7 kinds of potions and equipments used in potion making.

2nd Year: Further explain the Sleeping Draught, write its ingredients and write the procedure of brewing it.

3rd Year: Give the descriptions of the following ingredients:

  • Baneberry
  • Asphodel
  • Angel's Trumpet
  • Belladonna
  • Fluxweed
  • Gillyweed

4th Year: Give the 2 main ingredients of Pepperup Potion and try to brew it starring you and a partner. (Roleplay needed.)

5th Year: Write an essay about the Draught of Peace and try to brew it by yourself. (Roleplay needed.)

6th Year: Write an essay about the Volubilis Potion, write the ingredients and the procedure.

7th Year: Write an essay about the Oculus Potion, its ingredients and try to brew it by yourself. (Roleplay needed.)

Turn In Desk

1st Year:

2nd Year:

3rd Year:

4th Year:

5th Year:

6th Year:

7th Year:

Graded Homework

1st Year:

2nd Year:

3rd Year:

4th Year:

5th Year:

6th Year:

7th Year:

Homework Regrading Desk

(ask my permission first, regraded homework will appear above)

1st Year:

2nd Year:

3rd Year:

4th Year:

5th Year:

6th Year:

7th Year:

Students In Detention

1st Year:

2nd Year:

3rd Year:

4th Year:

5th Year:

6th Year:

7th Year:
